Focus on FIAC: the International Contemporary Art Fair

Among the unmissable events in the art world, the Foire Internationale d'Art Contemporain (FIAC) is the event not to be missed. Since its creation in 1974, the FIAC has brought together, for one week, remarkable works of modern art, contemporary art and design. In association with numerous galleries, foundations, institutions and artists, it aims to promote and support the best French and international creations. Held in the Grand Palais and in the surrounding area of the Parisian capital, it offers a rediscovery of art through several routes.

FIAC Galeries and the artistic programme

During the International Contemporary Art Fair, artists exhibit their works in the galleries of the Grand Palais. From the works of the great masters of the 20th century to emerging artistic movements, FIAC Galeries supports small galleries, notably represented by the Lafayette Gallery. FIAC also offers a free artistic programme. Starting with the "Parades for FIAC", which are performances and dialogues devoted to the disciplines of contemporary art. The fair also features the "Conversation Room", a place for exchange and interaction around various topics on contemporary creations. And the "Cinéphémère", a 14-seat cinema-container where a cycle of short films by various artists is shown.

FIAC Projects and FIAC Hors les Murs

FIAC Projects is held in the Petit Palais and on Avenue Winston Churchill, which has been specially pedestrianised for the event. During the International Contemporary Art Fair, the galleries will present various sculptures and installations, with a unique exhibition next to their stands. The access on the Avenue reconstitutes the esplanade of the 1900 Universal Exhibition, like a bridge linking the Petit and Grand Palais, and gives a historical atmosphere to the exhibition. FIAC Hors les Murs includes 4 outdoor exhibitions. The Jardin des Tuileries which presents, for a month, about twenty works of contemporary art. Every year, FIAC presents a new project on the Place de la Concorde. A major work of art or a specific creation is also exhibited on the prestigious Place Vendôme. Finally, FIAC gives an artist carte blanche to exhibit his or her creations daily at the Musée National Eugène Delacroix.

Future editions of the FIAC

Although the International Contemporary Art Fair has always been held in the Grand Palais, this will no longer be the case for 2020. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the organisers have decided to cancel the 2020 edition. And from 2021, the event will be held in the ephemeral Grand Palais. This decision was approved by the Paris Council on 2 July 2018, in view of the renovation of the Grand Palais. Installed on the Joffre plateau on the Champ-de-Mars, it will host all the major fashion, art and sports events until the Grand Palais reopens. This project will be in keeping with the history of this place through its architecture and aesthetics and will be a benchmark in terms of sobriety and sustainable development. Translated with (free version)
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